Episode 438
Pilot Program - Lost
“Guys… where are we?” In this episode, we introduce Pilot Program, our brand new series where we review significant television series debuts. For our pilot episode, we have to go back– all the way back to 2004 for the premiere of the cultural juggernaut Lost. Join us in the middle section of Oceanic Flight 815 as we chat about sliding door castings, why there will never be another viewing experience like Lost, and whose careers took off after Lost and whose crashed and burned. While we don’t answer “what’s with the ending?” we do ponder if people as attractive as Shannon and Boone should be trusted.
“Guys… where are we?” In this episode, we introduce Pilot Program, our brand new series where we review significant television series debuts. For our pilot episode, we have to go back– all the way back to 2004 for the premiere of the cultural juggernaut Lost. Join us in the middle section of Oceanic Flight 815 as we chat about sliding door castings, why there will never be another viewing experience like Lost, and whose careers took off after Lost and whose crashed and burned. While we don’t answer “what’s with the ending?” we do ponder if people as attractive as Shannon and Boone should be trusted.
- More: We have another podcast! Join us over at The Bible Binge where we look at movies through a faith lens (we’re in the MCU now), debate faith-adjacent things in society that are favored or forsaken, and chat about familiar and obscure stories found in scripture with equal parts humor and insight.
- Background: Television Pilot (wiki) | Everything You Need To Know About Pilot Season by Christopher Ming
- Watch the Lost pilot: Amazon | Hulu | Apple TV |
- Reference: IMDb | Rotten Tomatoes
- Book: The Revolution Was Televised (mentioned by Knox; has a chapter on Lost)
- Start: The Making of Lost: An Oral History of the Pilot Episode (Empire Online)
- Finish: No, They Weren’t Dead the Whole Time An oral history of Lost’s daring, divisive finale, our last truly communal broadcast TV experience (Vulture)
- Orange You Glad: John Locke smiles at Kate | A Brief History of Oranges and Their Role of Foreshadowing Death (Uproxx)
- Check: Bechdel test | Latiff test
- WSYWN: Yellowjackets | Alias | Fringe | The Flight Attendant | Leftovers | Westworld | Heroes S1
- Red light mentions: Priyanka & Nick had a baby | Pole Assassin and Gia the Monkey
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- Books The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green
- Books Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka
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