Episode 441
For Your Consider-Jason
In this episode, to honor our beloved senior intern Jason Waterfalls, we take a look at the most competitive Jasons in pop culture. Who discuss the favored nominees, who isn’t worthy of the name Jason, and who takes home the trophy when we snake draft our favorite Jasons.
In this episode, to honor our beloved senior intern Jason Waterfalls, we take a look at the most competitive Jasons in pop culture. Who discuss the favored nominees, who isn’t worthy of the name Jason, and who takes home the trophy when we snake draft our favorite Jasons.
- Pants or no pants: come to our live show or stream the live show at home
- Replay: The Chris-America Pageant, Miss Jenn-ited States of America, The Elizabests (Best Elizabeths) of the Year
- Reminder: how do snake drafts work?
- Mentions: Jason Voorhees, Jason Alexander, Jason Street, Jason’s Deli, Jason from the Wonder Woman comics, Jason Lee Scott (Red Power Ranger), Jason Campbell (Auburn QB), Jason and the Argonauts, Jason Mraz (see also: People Magazine write up), Sporty Jasons: Jason Kidd (former basketball player), Jason Witten (broadcaster and former football player), Jason Sehorn, Jason Taylor (Google Image search, obvi), Jason Williams (“White Chocolate”), Jayson Williams, Jason Bateman, Jason Momoa, Jason Priestley (see also: SNL skating skit), Jason Derulo (even the calendar says his name), Jason Bourne, Jason Segel, Jason Mantzoukas, Jason Statham, Jason Isaacs (see also: Lucious Malfoy), Jason Reitman, Jason Seaver (Growing Pains)
- Honorable mentions: Jason Sudeikis, Jason “J.D.” Dean (Heathers), Jason Schwartzman, Jason Aldean, Jason Isbell, Jason Pierre-Paul (WARNING! Risky and graphic and extremely gruesome click of the day: his firework hand), Jason Biggs, Jase Robertson (Duck Dynasty), Jason Lee
- You decide: Did Jamie lie about liking the Cheaper By The Dozen (2022) trailer? | Is Jason Oppenheim (Selling Sunset) hot or did Jason Statham’s bald head give him too much confidence? | Is Dave Seville the original cartoon DILF?
- Red light mentions: Marry Me: Jlo Church outfit and lyrics and song
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