Episode 535
The Overrated Things of Christmas Snake Draft
In this episode, we snake draft what’s most overrated at Christmas. We are joined by PMG magic maker Erin Moon to debate the worst things people love during the holidays. Plus learn why we’re rooting for an Efronaissance.
This episode has been archived
In this episode, we snake draft what’s most overrated at Christmas. We are joined by PMG magic maker Erin Moon to debate the worst things people love during the holidays. Plus learn why we’re rooting for an Efronaissance.
This episode has been archived
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- Thank you to @ErinHMoon for joining us for this snake draft
- Refresher: snake draft ‘splain
- Fact check: Wait? It’s not numbchucks?
- Mentions: George Bailey in It’s A Wonderful Life | Polar Express | Scrub Daddy & Scrub Mommy | The Holiday | Lupi’s vs. Luby’s | pee | Elf original script | Bob Newhart (<– jump scare warning) | Rudolph | Love Actually & Prime Minister David | Yikes: Martin Freeman | okay, fine: here’s the trailer for the Jenna Ortega movie Knox didn’t want to talk about in TMYK | Eartha Kitt IMDb | The Jackson 5’s I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus | House Peace would say no to these | Hollywood Star cost | Root for a Efronaissance with Iron Claw
- Asides: The Popcast Holiday playlist | Faith Adjacent Holiday episodes
Red light mentions: Andre Braugher (see also: Brooklyn Nine-Nine S5E14 and S2E4 and Homicide: Life on the Streets)
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- Movies Love and Monsters
- Books The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism by Tim Alberta
- Television Deadloch
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