I’ve Got Questions: The Spiritual Practice of Having It Out with God
by Erin Moon
Greenlit By
February 5, 2025
Greenlit By: Mutual
February 5, 2025
They Agree
Knox: Not only is Erin a great writer full stop, but she can wrestle and contend with difficult, tough questions traditionally mutually exclusive in the faith-adjacent book space. If you’re tired of boring, gross, or indulgent books about faith that refuse to deal with difficult things, you’ll love this book!
Jamie: As someone whose hand has been figuratively held by Erin for years as she helped me deconstruct and reconstruct so many harmful parts of my religious upbringing, I know full well this book is a gift. Erin introduces us to a God who is wider and deeper and kinder than any version you may have met before. Let her sit with you as you bind up the wounds and hurts that may still be tender. Let her show you a path to a more abundant life.
When your faith as you know it has been commodified, nationalized, scandalized, and rebranded beyond recognition, is it even possible to recover the “good” of Jesus from this cluster of epic proportions?
Writer and podcaster Erin Moon has questions, and this book is her open letter for anyone who feels iffy, conflicted, or just downright devastated by this disconnect. With empathy, insight, and the therapy of memes and a good laugh, Erin maps out not a rigid prescription but an open-hearted pathway for you to reclaim what you once loved about your faith home and light a match to the rest.
As it turns out, God is not afraid of your questions. To the contrary, the fullness of the Christian story is found not in a certainty checklist but a vision of a people who wrestle with God. This is the story to which Erin turns and guides you through, as you
– understand the good, bad, ugly, and just plain bizarre of your faith origins
– find permission to lament, ask questions, and name pressure points
– make peace as you set your own new boundaries and rebuild
Consider this your open invitation to get gut-level honest about where it started, and heart-level hopeful about where it can go from here.