Episode 492
Romantic Cliches Snake Draft
In this episode, we snake draft romantic cliches. We are joined by matchmaker extraordinaire @MrsKellyStamps and PMG beloved @ErinHMoon as we discuss kissing in the rain, makeover montages, and celebrities falling in love with normals. Plus we debate if vampires have body fluids.
In this episode, we snake draft romantic cliches. We are joined by matchmaker extraordinaire @MrsKellyStamps and PMG beloved @ErinHMoon as we discuss kissing in the rain, makeover montages, and celebrities falling in love with normals. Plus we debate if vampires have body fluids.
- Join us on Patreon and get our monthly Cinema Sidepiece episodes. This Friday is the 2010 movie Valentine’s Day. Visit: knoxandjamie.com/patreon
- Huge thanks to our special guests: @MrsKellyStamps (see also: @kellyskornersingles) and @erinhmoon
- Reminder: Snake Draft ‘Splain
- Youtube playlist: specific clips mentioned
- Fly-by mentions: Steve Carell is hotter now | The Swan | Well, actually… it was Jenny McCarthy selling shoes on the toilet (and they were Candies, not Sketchers)
- Debate: Vampires don’t have body fluids
- Kelly’s green light: Lars and the Real Girl (Prime)
- Red light mentions: If it’s not Jed Bartlet, Jamie’s not interested | Jonah Hill and Lauren London’s CGI kiss in You People
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