Episode Archive

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Episode 592

The Gross Words Snake Draft Preview

In this episode, we’re joined by Erin Moon and Jason Waterfalls as we snake draft the absolute grossest words in the English language. From creamy and yeasty to diddle and slough, we present you with the most delightfully disgusting roster of words.

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253: Patriotism in Pop Culture

July 4, 2018

It's the United States' birthday. Which movies make us the proudest to be an American? Which habits and behaviors make us less proud to be…

252: What’s the Word?

June 27, 2018

In this episode, we tackle the latest pop culture news and share our first impressions, predictions, and much more prompted initially by one simple word.

251: Bosses in Pop Culture

June 20, 2018

From our recent live show in Dallas, we talk about the boss archetypes in pop culture plus the non-boss characters who should be in charge.…

250: The NOs of Fatherhood

June 13, 2018

We talk through the fatherhood confessionals of our listeners including the Pantheon of Dad NOs.

249: Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories

June 6, 2018

Conspiracy theories dominate the internet, but which ones ring truer than others? We discuss the ridiculous and the reasonable to determine what may actually be…

248: Please Advise on Celebrity Couples, Han Solo, and Mariah Carey

May 30, 2018

In this episode, we tackle recent pop culture news items and decide how you should feel about them.

247: Going Solo in Pop Culture

May 23, 2018

This week, Han Solo has wandered from the Star Wars tentpole films to have his own movie. In this episode, we discuss others who have…

246: Royals in Pop Culture

May 16, 2018

With the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle upon us, we take a closer look at the royal family and other royals in…

245: The NOs of Motherhood

May 9, 2018

In this episode, we talk through the motherhood confessionals of our listeners including the Pantheon of Mom NOs.

244: Summer Movie Preview

May 2, 2018

In this episode, we break down the summer movie slate. First, what should be your guide in choosing which films to see. Then, we pick the…